LOST IN JUAREZ Amazon Promotion

Added on 11 December 2011

LOST IN JUAREZ, the Bob Dylan-influenced political conspiracy thriller that redefined Bob Dylan-influenced political conspiracy thrillers for the new millennium, is currently available for free on Amazon Kindle.

This is the inside story of how it happened. Just last week Amazon introduced a variety of new features for books published on Kindle. One of these allowed publishers to offer a book for free for five days as a promotional type of thing. JUAREZ is the only book that I have on Kindle these days, as the Barney Thomson series has been handed over to those publishing Gods at Blasted Heath.

Blasted Heath uber-publisher Al Guthrie suggested that I put JUAREZ in the promotion as, for a variety of reasons, they weren't able to go for it with any of the Barney Thomson books.

It took about five minutes to do the Make It Free promotion, then when I'd completed it the computer said there'd been a problem and that I had to do it again later.

It doesn't take much to forget about something. The following morning I logged into Kindle to see how many JUAREZ's had been sold. There were  a bunch. I thought, ooh, that's exciting. Then it turned out that they'd all been pickled up free, because the promotion thing had worked after all.

So far in the UK there have been 230 downloads. It almost broke into the Top 100 yesterday, has slipped back today. In the US, there were 153 downloads yesterday, and 1 today. What is that all about? Don't know. Must be something going on. The ways of Amazon are mysterious.

So. Here are the links. Even if you've already read it, download it anyway. It won't cost anything, it'll be an exciting addition to your e-reader library and it'll help it up the rankings.

You know, like all other writers, I'm just an Amazon rankings slut.

I'm not proud.

LOST IN JUAREZ Amazon UK download

LOST IN JUAREZ Amazon US download

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