New Short Story

Added on 05 May 2011

Last year I did a blog or two about novels that I'd written and then lost. They were, for the most part, rubbish of course, so they oughtn't to be considered in the same league as a lost Robert Louis Stevenson or a lost Thomas The Tank Engine. Even I, the writer of the lost novels, generally don't give a stuff.

Yesterday, for no particular reason, whilst taking a break from writing my current novel - which will hopefully never be lost, and will instead come to be known as "possibly the greatest crime novel ever written" - I rewrote one of my lost novels as a short story. A very short story. 1,004 words to be exact.

In years to come my many biographers will spend whole chapters discussing why I decided to reduce a novel to a short story which was then posted free online, but no one knows the answer. Not even me.

Here's the link. Read and, hopefully, enjoy. Tell your friends. And, if you're like me and don't have any friends, tell people who aren't your friends.
