Sound. And More.

Added on 03 November 2008

I went into a recording studio in Warsaw last week to check it out. A potential venue in the city for the recording of next year's "cd that looks set to rock the music world to its core"*. At the moment we don't have a band name, we don't have a name for the cd, we don't have artwork, we don't have a release date. We don't even have any publicity material, a manager or a drugs problem. But we do have some songs, and now we've got somewhere to record them.

I was to meet a man called Mariusz who would show me around. I waited in the foyer beside the aquamarine-lit swimming pool and the television playing Cartoon Network in Polish; he waited in the carpark. We finally met twenty minutes late, by which time he only had five minutes to show me the studio. Mariusz had an inappropriate ponytail.

I think in the end I appreciated the brevity. Every time we walked into a room he would say something like, "And here we have a TubeTech MEC-1A and a Prism Sound MMA-4", or "If you want to take a closer look at our Kurzweil Mangler or our Summit Audio EQP-200B then go ahead." All I heard was, "Here we have a Blah Blah Blah Blah. And in this room there are some more Blah Blah Blah." I think I probably gave myself away when he pointed out the coffee machine, and I reacted with the kind of enthusiasm one gets from a non-English speaking Oriental when you finally say the one word in fifteen that they've understood.

"Ah, coffee machine!" I ejaculated. "Good. I like coffee."

Very rock 'n roll.

Looking on their website I see that they have a Manley Massive Passive. How impressive is that? Well, actually, I have no idea. They do have a brand new Steinway. That was something else to which I could react positively. A piano. Nice and simple and non-technical.

It was all over in a blur. I was out of my depth, and in such situations I talk even less than normal. Which is saying something. It wasn't the best meeting anyone ever had, but he wants our business and we want somewhere to record, so it'll happen. More than likely I'll use the Steinway, but I have no idea whether the Manley Massive Passive will be involved in the process.

We have about seven songs at the moment, which is about halfway there, given that one or two of them might have to fall by the wayside. Wrote a nice verse a few weeks ago:

i love it when you kiss my lips
and when you suck my fingertips
but sometimes when your cover slips
i wonder if maybe you’re unhinged

It may not be Shakespeare, but it may be the Proclaimers.

(*This is an unattributable quote.)

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