The Songs Of The Solomon Grundys

Added on 11 February 2009

Thursday 12th February - recording studio day. Normal blogging service will resume in the near future...

This week sees the Solomon Grundys make their first visit to the recording studio. We're going for a stripped down, early Dylan kind of sound. Acoustic guitars, banjo, bit of harmonica, bit of bongo. It ain't rock 'n roll, and it's certainly a gazillion miles away from what is generally popular at the moment. But you have to do what you do, and not try to be something you're not.

The songs we'll be recording, (writer in brackets):

The Quarterback Song (D)

War, death, credit crunch, love, lawyers, marriage and quarterbacks. All in three minutes.

"I met somebody new that night, I tried talking family planning
She said, maybe you can throw a ball my friend, but you ain't no Peyton Manning.

Affected (R)

Life through the lens of modern pop culture.

"If someone shot the deputy I'd confess
And if you asked me to go to rehab I'd say yes..."

The Friday Song (R)

A day in a boat on the mid-Atlantic, potentially featuring slide banjo...

The Last Time (D)

Lost love in small town America.

"I'll be waiting down where the trains get in,
With the old guys drinking coffee talking 'bout Brady's knee..."

The Jigsaw Men (D)

More old guys drinking coffee, talking about how miserable life is and how wonderful it used to be. This is intended to be the Dylan-esque eleven minute album closer. Although it probably won't reach eleven minutes.

"And they sit like so many men before them,
Talking like the end of days has come..."

Unhinged (D)

How there's not much difference between being and love and being psychotically obsessive.

"I love the way you kiss my lips, and how you suck my fingertips,
But sometime when your cover slips, I realise that maybe you're unhinged..."

Don't Cry (D)

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and buck up.

"Don't cry, you might drown in self-pity
You need to get away find something else to blame apart from living in this city..."

She Said (R)

Love angst.

"You said that you wanted to, And then you never asked me to
So what the hell am I supposed to do? When a guy like me is in love with you..."

Can't Get The Blues (D)

Written seventeen years ago. A blues song about not being able to get the blues.

"Well I ain't no Robert Johnson, ain't no Blind Wullie McTell..."

Ain't that the truth. Thank God.

Sit Right Down (R)

More love angst.

"I’m not quite sure when things started to head south
Maybe the times when I was told to shut my stupid mouth"

Going Back To Galileo (D)

Life and its general current rubbishness. Haven't quite finished it yet.

"I heard they're chopping down trees on Main Street, and no one can make them stop,
They must be needing all that wood for boarding up the shops..."

Coming to a MySpace page near you this weekend...

< The Return of The Solomon GrundysScenes from the Studio - Day 1 >