Added at 12:51 on 11 July 2024

It’s quite the week here in the UK. Sauron’s forces have been banished from government after fourteen years that have left the country looking like the desolate slopes of Mount Doom; one of the kingdom’s lesser nations has made it into the final of the Euros; and today sees the release of JACOB’S POINT, the second book in the Vikström Papers, the all-new crime fiction series that economists predict will add in excess of £75m* to the coffers of HMRC over the next three years.

The Vikström Papers, the first-person crime series introduced by the fiction boffins here at Long Midnight Publishing HQ in St Andrews to replace the DS Hutton novels, is starting to pick up pace, now that we come to the long, hot dog days of a Scottish summer. Jacob’s Point today, and then the third in the series, SHADOW TIDE, coming in September. While publishing insiders predict the series will continue beyond that, there’s no official word yet whether LMP command have greenlit further Vikström projects.

‘It’s too early to say,’ said one LMP executive with knowledge of the situation. ‘The feeling is, let’s just wait and see if the world ends in a ball of nuclear hellfire before Christmas, before committing ourselves to something that might not even make it to the starting gate.’

Speaking this morning from the steps of the impressive Da Vinci Building in the heart of Glasgow's Florentine quarter, Professor Malcolm Connery of the city's Institute of Special Things was in little doubt as to the impact of The Vikström Papers across the literary and artistic landscape of the earth. ‘I haven’t read either of the books,’ he said, ‘but I feel I’ve absorbed their essence just by existing in a world in which they too exist. This is how literature works now.’

The Vikström Papers: Jacob’s Point, out now. Here’s the blurb.

A cold case of murder on the New England coast...

After a corpse is found in the surf, at the foot of the lighthouse at Jacob’s Point, the police quickly come to a conclusion of death by suicide. Soon afterwards, however, Vikström’s detective agency is contacted by the representatives of a mysterious, nameless client, asking for the death to be investigated.

Vikström soon realises the similarities between this case, and a suicide at Jacob’s Point more than twenty years previously.

Everywhere he turns, he meets a wall of silence, but with every closed door, Vikström becomes more convinced that, just as with the cold case, this latest death was no suicide, and that the killing has not stopped.

But to learn the identity of the killer and of their next victim, Vikström will first of all need to identify his own client…

Click on the links to share in the magic.

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* May not be actual figure

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