Added on 06 April 2009

Douglas Lindsay, celebrity crime author and Writer Who Appeared On Battle Of The Books Once, is from today enduring those dark days known as the Easter School Holidays. Two weeks of Non-Stop Fun With The KidsTM.

Work continues on the re-issue of the Barney Thomson crime series, tied in to coincide with the release of Barney Thomson no.7, The Final Cut in September 2009. Unconfirmed rumours suggest that the series may see an earlier re-issue than this, with the release of the novels as ebooks. Long Midnight Publishing are currently in negotiations with distributors over the rights to the series, which could see the books issued electronically as early as this summer.

A further imminent release is the debut album from new acoustic powerhouse band, The Strange Case of Solomon Green. Further details available shortly.

Meanwhile, Lindsay has confirmed that the days of the Lost in Juarez blog are over. Further to the break for Non-Stop Fun With The KidsTM, and a working visit to the London Book Fair, Lindsay will be back with an All-New Daily Blog, in an exciting internet development that the critics are already calling, "the most extraordinary blogging event of this or any other century."

The as yet un-named blog will debut on Monday 27th April at 9am BST.

"This is as incredible as the internet gets," said blogging expert Shania Biezinsky, 19, although it wasn’t entirely clear to what she was referring.

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