I Was Thinking That Night About Elvis

Added on 04 January 2012

This Blasted Life is back at blastedheath.com, and the first 2012 edition of the blog that the critics are already calling "that thing written by some bloke" is now available.

Dealing with the in-depth story of how Elvis came to be a character in the third Barney Thomson novel, MURDERERS ANONYMOUS, the new This Blasted Life is an in-depth and hilarious look at how Elvis came to be a character in the third Barney Thomson novel, MURDERERS ANONYMOUS, a novel that features Elvis as one of its characters, as detailed in the hilarious new blog about how Elvis came to be a character in MURDERERS ANONYMOUS.

I didn’t realise that Elvis was at my shoulder until I was about 30,000 words in and I took the unusual step of reading everything I’d written up to that point. I say unusual because normally I just make shit up until I get to the end, and then I reread the entire book and realise that somewhere along the line the principal nemesis has morphed from a 40 year-old gorgeous Russian spy into a spatula. Or something.

Click on the mysterious faceless person picture thing to read the blog.

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