New Edition of The Long Midnight of Barney Thomson Now Available

Added on 17 November 2008

The new edition of The Long Midnight of Barney Thomson is now available to order from book stores or on-line from Gazelle Books and

The new edition, the fabled "writer's cut", which starts the re-branding of the Barney Thomson series, looks set to take the literary world by storm, with publishing analysts predicting that by mid-2009 over half the people in the English-speaking world will own a copy of the book.

"This is an exciting time for Long Midnight Publishing," said artistic director, Solomon Kane. "The publishing world is prone to hyberbole and absurd attempts at aggrandisement, but I believe it does not overstate the case to say that this is the most incredibly significant moment in publishing history. Soon the world of literature will be split into two periods: before the writer's cut of The Long Midnight of Barney Thomson, and after. These are heady days."

In light of this extraordinary publishing event, already other writers are considering re-working their original manuscripts, with rumours abounding that JK Rowling intends to restore a missing "1556 pages" to Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone.

Barney Thomson author, Douglas Lindsay - while currently writing the last title in the Barney series, The Final Cut - is also said to be working on the new edition of the second book in the series, the re-titled The Barber Surgeon's Hairshirt.

Despite the astonsihing media interest in the event, Lindsay, 44, remained unavailable for comment.

< Date set for New Edition of The Long Midnight of Barney ThomsonDouglas Lindsay Talks About the New Barney Thomson Novel, The Final Cut >