The Lonesome Death of Robert Green
Added on 17 June 2010
Robert Green, lonely as an ice cream in winter
He smiles as he waits
But like us, he already knows his fate.
When the team sheet is read, his name will not be on it
And like the mosquitoes on the bonnet
Of the team bus
He will be crushed.
His fate is not redemption
A penalty saved
Or a free kick palmed over the bar
An eternal World Cup star
His fate will be five minutes on
50 World Cup Shockers in 2014
On BBC3 or Channel 4
With a smug blonde comedienne laughing like a bint
As if she could have saved
A twenty-five yard shot
From an American named Clint.
And in the end, he will lie in the same grave as
Peter Bonetti and Jim Leighton
Will Robert Green