Added on 24 October 2011
In anticipation of the launch of Blasted Heath, the e-publisher that - starting 1st November at 1 minute past 11 - is set to plunge the antiseptic syringe of digital magnificence into the rancid, fetid boil of publishing, here's a look at the original critical reception gained by THE LONG MIDNIGHT OF BARNEY THOMSON, one of Blasted Heath's five launch titles.
Debut novel proves a cut above the rest. Daily Express
Cut above the rest… See what they did there?
This is pitch-black comedy spun from the finest writing. Fantastic plot, unforgettable scenes and plenty of twisted belly laughs. New Woman
There isn't too much in the way of characterisation. The Sunday Herald
This is definitely worth a read, if only to find out the perfect place to hide a body and, more important, how hairdressers cover up a bad hairdo. The Press and Journal
Young author is a cut above. The Andover Advertiser
Cut above… See what they did there? And young?
Book on bloodthirsty barber gives author short cut to film fame. The Scotsman
Short cut to film fame… See what they did there? They also sub-headlined the article Scot is asked to produce a screenplay from debut novel he wrote on the dole. That's a nice story, isn't it? I was a diplomatic spouse, hanging out with international women and drinking vodka at 10 in the morning. Still, that's almost the same as being on the dole.
This black comedy about a barber from the Sweeney Todd school is a cut above most debuts. The Mirror
A cut above most debuts… See what they did there?
Lindsay's hugely enjoyable black burlesque sustains the joke superbly throughout. The Scotsman (They also added that I only very occasionally lapsed into undergraduate smartness…)
Cleverly written and leaves the reader asking for more. Cambuslang Old Parish Church Magazine
Lindsay has created an anti-hero of truly Homeric proportions.. sure-fire top ten material. The Face
That was nice, but still waiting, although the week after its release I did see it at Number 10 at the Ottakers in Andover
This chilling black comedy unfolds at dizzying speed, managing to blend the surreal with the dullness of routine in an impressive debut novel. The Sunday Mirror
This book has elements which are enjoyable... The Guardian
That was written by crime fiction uber-guru Maxim Jakubowski, who mentioned to me at Crimefest this year that he'd written the review in the Guardian, and that he'd enjoyed the book. I smiled, and didn't say that I fondly remembered the review for its patronising tone and damning by faint praise. Then we stood in companionable silence for a while, before going our seperate ways.
Quirky and gruesome, this is a refreshingly original addition to the murder mystery genre. The Trowbridge Something-or-Other
A delicious black comedy from a gifted young Scottish writer. The Huddersfield Examiner
The young thing was beginning to stick. If I'd been a footballer I'd have been ancient.
Sharp dialogue, sharp story and, somewhere, a sharp knife. Terrific. The Bath Chronicle
There may not be much in the way of introspection and deep character study, but there are plenty of sick laughs. The Inverness Courier
There we go, characterisation again...
A hilarious, fast and exceptionally original comic crime tale with a wonderful twist. The Reading Chronicle
Short cut to a fortune. The Daily Mail
Short cut… See what they did there? And fortune…? Not like the Mail to make it about money. Wankers.
It is black humour at its best with lots of murder, very little small talk and - as promised - no kissing. The Liverpool Daily Post
Very little small talk? Did they read the book?
If you're reading this, the chances are that you've already read THE LONG MIDNIGHT OF BARNEY THOMSON. However, if you've never read it, it'll be waiting for you next Tuesday at 11:01am. It's original, black and gruesome, with shit characterisation and written by someone who was young enough that it was worthy of mention. (And, you know, I was 34, so why in the name of God anyone thought that was young, I don't know.)