WE ARE THE HANGED MAN In Olympic-Style Opening Ceremony

Added on 23 August 2012



The stars of cinema, literature, politics and sport were out in force tonight at the launch party for Douglas Lindsay’s epic new crime thriller, WE ARE THE HANGED MAN.

The exclusive Harpo Club in Glasgow’s west end was packed to the rafters with the likes of George Clooney, Russell Brand, Boris Johnson and the Two Andys from Hot Fuzz. "All the stars are coming out tonight," said Take That songsmith, Gary Barlow, "they’re lighting up the sky tonight."

While critics have been calling WE ARE THE HANGED MAN a Jacobean revenge tragedy on acid, and "the X Factor with blood", the public have had a frustrating wait while infighting, hubris and macho posturing at digital uber-publisher Blasted Heath repeatedly delayed the novel’s release.

Now, at last, the book that economic analysts predict is set to single-handedly spark the UK’s economic recovery, has been published and the public can submerge themselves in Lindsay’s continuing apocalyptic vision of 21st century Britain.

The much-delayed novel, which many think will become the best-selling Scottish-authored novel of all time, has been some four years in the writing, and centres on a series of murders committed around a TV talent show.

"I was going to suggest the tag-line ‘The X Factor with torture...’", said a tearful Lindsay, clealy overcome by the situation, "but that would have been like saying it was a Dairy Milk bar with chocolate."

Lindsay is 48. He once appeared on Battle of the Books on BBC4. He didn’t say much.

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