BLASTED HEATH: The Plague-Ridden Digital Apocalypse Is Upon Us

Added on 01 November 2011

Finally, after years of waiting, today sees the launch of new iconic online publishing behemoth, BLASTED HEATH. With a promise to destroy society, cause earthquakes and speed up the global economic catastrophe, Blasted Heath unleash their plague-ridden digital apocalypse at 1101hrs. Nations will fall. Already, the stock market is plummeting, Greece is handing over the keys of the gates to Germany, and the USA is changing their constitution to allow the Chinese PM to be elected President in 2012.

Today sees new digital editions of the opening Barney Thomson novel, THE LONG MIDNIGHT OF BARNEY THOMSON, plus the Barney novella, THE END OF DAYS, the book that helped finally bring an end to thirteen years of tyrannical New Labour government. Blasted Heath have produced this beautiful promo video for the book, with music by crack Warsaw beat combo The Mabel Rankin Beat Quartet.

From 1101 this morning, visit BLASTED HEATH, and join in the magic.



The End Of Days by Douglas Lindsay from Blasted Heath on Vimeo.

< THE END OF DAYS: Interview With Douglas LindsayBlasted Heath Giveaway - THE LONG MIDNIGHT OF BARNEY THOMSON >