DS Hutton Book 10 - A WINTER NIGHT - Out Now!

Added at 12:37 on 01 May 2023

It’s another glorious day in the world of publishing, with the release of the tenth, and penultimate, book in the DS Hutton series, A WINTER NIGHT. The final book in the series, I AM MULTITUDES, has also been made available for pre-order, with a release date in September.

A Winter Night sees Hutton dispatched to the isle of Islay, to investigate the murder of a distillery owner, the corpse dumped in a mash tun on the factory floor. Hutton, much to his excitement, gets to work once again with his former boss and romantic nemesis, DI Kallas. As it says in the blurb, there will be whisky, there will be sex, and there will be death.

As for Book 11, the words “final book” have a certain finality to them right enough, but things change. I was just working on the tenth thinking, kind of had enough of the old fellow for the moment. (I say old, though he’s currently a year younger than I am.) I’m writing the Buchan series too just now, obviously, but maybe I’ll try something new alongside that for a while.

We’ll see, though. Perhaps Hutton will return at some point. After all, I went back to Barney Thomson, after ten years away. And, in an obviously very similar vein, Coppola made a third Godfather, and Harrison Ford went back to Indiana Jones, Star Wars and Blade Runner, albeit not, sadly, Apocalypse Now. So, maybe I Am Multitudes won’t be the last Hutton ever. Just last for now. Unless he gets killed.


For the moment, let’s everyone enjoy A Winter Night. Or read it, and think, aye, fair enough lad, it’s time you started winding down... Click on the images to share in the magic.



Wally Dug - 21:33 on 01 May 2023
"So, maybe I Am Multitudes won’t be the last Hutton ever. Just last for now. Unless he gets killed."

Need I remind you that the aforementioned Mr Thomson died at the end of book 3? How many Barney books were there after that?

As a great man once said, "Never shay 'never' again." (Unless it turns out to be an absolute roaster of a turkey, that is.)
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