Murderers Anonymous

Added on 27 December 2011

The third Barney Thomson novel is now available on Kindle and other digital formats. First published in paperback by Piatkus Books, with a second edition from massive global media conglomerate Long Midnight Publishing, the book has been redrafted and edited to bring it into line with the other titles in the series in terms of style and dialect. This latest edition is published digitally be Blasted Heath, comes with another wonderful cover from book design uber-genius JT Lindroos, and also has a new title care of book publishing uber-genius Al Guthrie.

Up until now the novel has been entitled A Prayer For Barney Thomson. One of my favourite books of the 90’s was John Irving’s A Prayer For Owen Meany, and as a wee nod to that I gave the third book in the Barney series that name.

The main thrust of the book, of course, is that Barney joins a Murderers Anonymous group and goes off with them on their Christmas retreat. Blasted Heath have decided to make the most of the Murderers Anonymous concept by putting it out there in the title. In the panoply of ideas that have filled the series over the years, the concept of a group of ex-killers hanging out together attempting to talk each other out of murdering anyone else is a pretty high on the list. So the new title makes sense.

Here are the links for UK and US Amazon. For this initial period it’s only 99p/$1.54. At the moment, in the UK, it is for some reason charting in Amazon’s Men’s Adventure chart and in their Lad Lit chart. That seems odd, yet strangely satisfying. So go on, and treat yourself to a novel that the Sunday Mirror said was "a surreal black comedy laced with sharp wit and foul language. Lindsay has a real ear for dialogue and a highly visual imagination...' and which contains my favourite non-recurring series character, ex-killer, philosopher and catcher of spiders Socrates McCartney.

Murderers Anonymous Amazon UK

Murderers Anonymous Amazon US

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